Clean Air Plants

NASA Clean Air Plants have been proven to eliminate toxic carcinogenic chemicals that even HEPA filters can't fully remove.

Pick the plant you want and we'll pot it with suitable growing medium in the wick-watering pot you like.

All plants are treated for pests and diseases prior to sale.

Prices listed include the plant potted with suitable potting mix in a fitting classic wick-watering pot.

NASA Clean Air Study Air-Filtering Plants have been proven to eliminate the following toxic carcinogenic chemicals:

Benzene found in burning candles, cigarette smoke, detergent, cleaning products, laundry dryer sheets, carpets, glues, adhesives, furniture waxes, paint strippers, gasoline

Formaldehyde found in preservatives, cosmetics, baby wipes, disinfectants, wood furniture, carpets, gas stove emissions, cigarette smoke

Trichloroethylene found in adhesives, lubricants, paints, varnishes, paint strippers, pesticides, home renovation products

Xylene found in permanent or dry-erase magic markers, varnishes, paints, laquers, adhesives, rust preventers, thinners, gasoline

Toluene found in burning candles, cigarette smoke, carpets, inks, dyes, paints, glues, gasoline, octane boosters

Ammonia found in litter boxes, cigarette smoke, household aerosols sprays

Click here to read the full National Aeronautics and Space Administration research paper: "Interior Landscape Plants for Indoor Air Pollution Abatement"

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Showing 1 to 11 of 11 (1 Pages)