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LOW MAINTENANCE · LOW LIGHT · HIGH OXYGEN CLEAN AIR With our specially formulated potting mix for each plant genus, owning any plant is easy and affordable, especially when our prices include:
· Plant Acclimatised to the home office environment
· Potting Mix Customised to plant needs and wick-watering conditions
· Slow Release Fertiliser suited to the plant
· Self-Watering Pot perfectly fitted to size
· Treatment for Pests & Diseases prior to delivery
· After Sales Service plant care advise and consultations
Aglaonema modestum 'Dud Unyamanee' The Aglaonema is a tropical plant originating from the forest shades of Asia and New Guinea. It is versatile and requires only minimal care to reward you with lusious good looks. Tough, low maintenance, ..
Aglaonema 'Snow White' The Aglaonema is a tropical plant originating from the forest shades of Asia and New Guinea. It is versatile and requires only minimal care to reward you with lusious good looks. Tough, low maintenance, and hig..
Aglaonema modestum 'Two Tone Moonstone' The Aglaonema is a tropical plant originating from the forest shades of Asia and New Guinea. It is versatile and requires only minimal care to reward you with lusious good looks. Tough, low mainten..
Aloe vera Aloe vera is a succulent that originates from the arid Arabian Peninsula, and is cultivated for its widely known medicinal purposes, from alleviating sunburns and aiding wound healing, to relieving heartburn and lowering blood suga..
Begonia rex-cultorum 'African Jungle' These herbaceous perennials provide stunning colour displays with a myraid of shapes, colours and patterns. Leaves may be asymmetric, ovate, cordate and palmately lobed, with spots, stripes swirls, and ..
Begonia rex-cultorum 'Maui Mist' These herbaceous perennials provide stunning colour displays with a myraid of shapes, colours and patterns. Leaves may be asymmetric, ovate, cordate and palmately lobed, with spots, stripes swirls, and strea..
Asplenium nidus Native to the tropical forests of Asia, the Asplenium nidus can survive as an epiphyte or terrestrial plant. Often found in the shady crevices of trees, they thrive in warm, humid areas in partial or full shade, making the..
Asplenium nidus 'Antiquum' Native to the tropical forests of Asia, the Asplenium nidus can survive as an epiphyte or terrestrial plant. Often found in the shady crevices of trees, they thrive in warm, humid areas in partial or full shade..
Nephrolepis exaltata 'Bostoniensis' This fern, at times called the Sword Fern, is native to Florida, West Indies, Mexico, Central America, South America, Polynesia and Africa. It is evergreen, and the easiest fern to grow indoors, requiring ..
Fittonia albivenis 'Angel Snow'..
Fittonia albivenis 'Juanita'..
Fittonia albivenis 'Mini Red'..
Fittonia albivenis 'Mini Superba'..
Fittonia albivenis 'Pink Star'..
Fittonia albivenis 'Red Star'..
Fittonia albivenis 'Red Vein'..
Fittonia albivenis..
Green white veins..
Epipremnum aureum N'Joy..
Crassula ovata..
Sansevieria trifasciata 'Laurentii'..
Parallel Peperomia puteolata Simply Easy Plant..
Spathiphyllum "Mauna Loa"..
Sansevieria trifasciata Golden Hahnii..
Sansevieria trifasciata Hahnii..
Sansevieria trifasciata Moonshine..